RE: "impossible" problem with Win3.1 client

Phil Taylor (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 17:35:05 +0100

Hi Martin,

I would look at setting a lower MTU/MRU, 576 tends to be good, or
alternatively look at what comm driver (comm.drv) is being used by
win3.1 as the one that shipped was pretty cr*p and tended to result in a
lot of comm errors even with 16550 uarts. There are various 'enhanced'
ones around

I see Sherwood has suggested 3.02 of IEAK this may also help, also
turning off modem compression may help.

Best thing is try it and see. We have quite a few people using IEAK 3.02
on WIn 3.1x with little or no problems dialing into our PM3.

btw did your customer get anywhere, or knowware ;-) with the
DMS-100/PM3 problem ????



> ----------
> From: Martin Oakes[]
> Sent: 21 July 1997 14:22
> To:
> Subject: "impossible" problem with Win3.1 client
> Hello,
> An existing PM2 customer is experiencing a problem with his PM3. He
> has
> an analogue dial-in client using Internet Explorer on Windows3.1 and
> the
> DNS lookups on the URL fail.
> The "impossible" part of it is that:
> . it works fine if he dials into a PM2.
> . it works fine if he uses a different TCP/IP stack
> . it works fine with a telnet client
> . it works fine with Win95.
> The PM customer has tracked the DNS request through the PM3, to the
> server, and the succesful reply back into the PM3.
> For some reason getting the dial-in client to switch to a working
> configuration is not an option.
> The PM2s and the PM3 are on the same ethernet segment and appear to
> have
> equivalent configurations. Both forward and reverse DNS have been set
> up
> for all allocated IP numbers.
> Does it ring any bells?
> Regards:
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Martin Oakes
> KnowWare (UK) Ltd.
> 1, Glentworth Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 7EQ
> Tel: (0117) 923 2218 Fax: (0117) 924 6358
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++