Re: Term emulation

Robert Hiltibidal (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 05:21:19 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 18 Jul 1997, Mike Taylor wrote:

> I have a text customer (one of about a dozen or so) who is logging on with
> an apple 2gs using proterm3.1. He would like vt52 term emulation.

If he is logging in at terminal mode what about bypassing the portmaster
altogether? I do not bel;eive the portmaster has termcap capabilities.

I'd have hime do the foillowing, if you want this on your ciruit. Its an
option we presented to the irc chat bopt people after we kicked the chat
bots off the telent box...

Set up a linux, freebsd, etc box with its own line on the network. If
possible put it in its own segregated segment either thru switching or
routing. Put a modem in it and hook up a dial up telephone line. Thyen
hand him the bill.

Sooner or later he's gonna have to uipgrade if he wants to stay on the


Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores 24 hours a day" Springpatch Mall