Re: Problems with default modem setups

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 16:53:52 -1000 (HST)

On Sun, 20 Jul 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> Secondly, you do NOT want to write to the modem's cmos EVERY time a call
> disconnects and the modem is reconfigured. A Com's life is cut short
> exponentially by this. The more often you write to it, the few writes it
> can take, especially if they are only seconds apart.
> I made a custom one and did this:
> Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
> ---------------------------- -----------------------------
> AT&FS0=1&D3&S1E0&Y0\r OK
> This seems to work, however I still seem to get hangups after only 1
> minute of connection on SOME types of modems.


You didn't search the archives? ;)

I've posted my string a couple of times...
but I did this using a laptop/telix to initialize them, then made a custom
modem to just send atz...

Cardinal 33.6K Model MVPV34XF initiliazation string

> How can Livingston upgrade the default modem tables?

Actually, from doing this last October, I just decided to ignore the modem
tables, as there are too many modem flavors coming out to expect these to
work 100%. Thus, I just do each modem individually by: 1) setting init 2)
cycle modem power to check for AutoAnswer LED coming on. 3) doing a atz to
see if it hot cycles properly. 4) install on PM2 and dial directly to
check for answer.

I've had to power cycle 6 modems once each in the 8 months or so that we
had these. Otherwise they were great!!!! What am I talking about... I
used to have to cycle entire racks at another ISP I was contracted to! this is awesome! too bad Cardinal went to X2... *sigh*

Aloha from Paradise,
