Re: MIB's and SNMP

John-David Childs (
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 11:07:34 -0600 (MDT)

On Sun, 20 Jul 1997, Jawaid Bazyar wrote:

> Hi folks,
> What tools do you find useful for using the SNMP features of the PM series?
> I've got a PM3, and I want to use MRTG to monitor a number of things on
> the box, but I don't know where to start to determine the appropriate
> code (MIB number?) to use.
> Is there such a thing as a catalog of ID's and descriptions? Aside from
> that, any good places to start reading-wise?

For non-enterprise MIBs, search the web for "The SimpleWeb" and start
there. There are various RFC's on SNMP as well if you're up for the
techytalk. For enterprise MIBs (like Livingston's new one), you need to
get them off the vendor's web/ftp sites. Sometimes, they come with
accompanying documentation, and sometimes the MIB file *is* the
documentation ;-)

One of the best online reference tools (IMHO) is the sbrowser.cgi that
comes with scotty. You can walk the entire MIB-II or Enterprise MIB of any
device which is read-accessible from your webserver. And since it (for the
most part) imports the various mibfiles directly from the vendor(s) (I've
only had to monkey with one vendor's mib file in three years), any comments
in the mibfiles about the various OID's (aka variables) will be displayed
on the web page with the value

For instance, this is what I got when I looked up the new Livingston MIB
for T1E1CarrierLoss on my PM3 (two PRI's):

Object Type:

Object Identifier:



The total number of times the interface has lost carrier.



livingstonT1E1CarrierLoss.1 : 0
livingstonT1E1CarrierLoss.2 : 11

So, just by looking, I can tell that my second PRI is experiencing some
problems ;)


> Jawaid Bazyar | Affordable WWW & Internet Solutions > Interlink Advertising Svcs | for Small Business > | P.O Box 641 (303) 781-3273 > --The Future is Now!-- | Englewood, CO 80151-0641 (303) 789-4197 fax >

John-David Childs (JC612) System Administrator Enterprise Internet Solutions & Network Engineer 901 E 17th Ave, Denver 80218 Did you know that if you took all the economists in the world and lined them up end to end, they'd still point in the wrong direction?