Problems with default modem setups

Jake Messinger (
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 10:44:48 -0500 (CDT)

I have had some trouble with Cardinal modems, so against my normal setup,
I have decided to try to set a modem for each port on this particular pm 2

I noticed that only very rarely would it actually say CONFIGURED on the
modem setting when the port gets reset. Usually it says NOT CONFIGURED.

So I did some experimentation.

This is what you have for a cardinal modem setup:

Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
----------------------------- -----------------------------
AT&FS0=1&D3&S1E0Q1&Y0&W\r OK

First of all, this will NEVER work because the Q1 turns off the AT
response messages so you will NEVER get an OK, so the portmeister doesnt
think the thing is configured.

Secondly, you do NOT want to write to the modem's cmos EVERY time a call
disconnects and the modem is reconfigured. A Com's life is cut short
exponentially by this. The more often you write to it, the few writes it
can take, especially if they are only seconds apart.

I made a custom one and did this:

Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
---------------------------- -----------------------------
AT&FS0=1&D3&S1E0&Y0\r OK

This seems to work, however I still seem to get hangups after only 1
minute of connection on SOME types of modems.

How can Livingston upgrade the default modem tables?

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
8300 Bissonnet #400
Houston, Texas 77074