Re: A portmaster time out (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 15:34:25 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Kelley Lingerfelt shaped the electrons to say...
>I never saw a reply or even an acknowledgement, but believe me it is a
>true statement. Try it, open a telnet session to as many of the
>portmasters as you can, and then run your pmwho program, I bet it will
>finish twice as fast if not faster.

I missed that one. I guess it is possible, maybe it uses the resources
already reserved to handle the first connection. I'd have to check.

> Jake, said in one of his posts, that it seemed to actually slow down
>telnet sessions when he added more memory. You would have to check the
>archives, but it was something about going thru all the memory before the
>connection was established.

Yes. In the days of 1MB this didn't mean anything, even with 4MB most
don't notice - but 16MB makes it noticable. This is something we will


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