Re: [Q]: NAS-Port-Type = 56K perhaps? (fwd)

Brian Elfert (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:01:39 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 17 Jan 1980, Curtis Coleman wrote:

> Not that I've decided to put these sort of caps on my users, but I'm sure
> it's been floating around in the minds of a lot of ISPs here. If its only
> possible to have a check item for the initial connect rate, some smart guy
> out there is doing to figure out how to trick his modem into establishing
> at <33.6 and negotating up later in the connection.

How many ISPs really need to do this type of limiting?

In the USA ISP market, does the extra 20000 bps really use up that much
extra bandwidth to be worth worrying about? I can see doing this for
non-North American ISPs, as bandwidth is more expensive.

The reason most ISPs seem to charge more for 56K is because the digital
lines are more expensive. If the digital lines are more expensive, and
you have other lines for 33.6 users, is there any reason a user without
56K capabilities should be connecting to your digital lines at all?

When X2/56K first came out, a great many ISPs decided to charge more for
56K. As the months have gone by, many ISPs have choosen to drop
surcharges for X2/K56Flex.

We've choosen not to surcharge X2/K56Flex because our costs with digital
lines is actually lower! It now costs us 1/3 less for CT1 than for POTS
lines. Equipment costs about 1/4 less too.
