CT1 & PM3 not answering calls

John Driscoll (jfd@prime-x.net)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 09:34:05 +0000

We just received our 1st PM3-2T, destined for channelized T1 use. So
I sucessfully upgraded the os to 3.5.1b20 and followed the release
notes on how to configure Line0 for CT1.
When I place a call thru it, a 'show all' shows the port # and the
modem # assigned to the call. I hear the carrier tones from the PM3,
and I hear the carrier tones being sent by the calling modem.
A 'show M0' shows the modem 'CONNECTING', but the modems never sync
up and eventually the PM3 drops the call.

I've either neglected to set some setting, or perhaps the telco isn't
setting up the call correctly.... I know from earlier posts that the
PM needs to send wink back to complete the audio path from NYNEX; is
there a way to monitor this? Any ideas?

John Driscoll