Re: how to program DLCIs'

Carl Oppedahl (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 06:46:56 -0600

At 01:33 PM 07/17/97 +0100, Fernando Martin <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>I have four OR-LS routers.
>One of them is the central. It has 64k of Frame relay. I want to configure
>three DLCI to connect the others OR-LS networks, using 16 K for each one.
>How to do this?

Well, I posed this exact question to Livingston a few months ago. You can
see a picture of this at <>.

It turned out to be more difficult that you might think just from studying
the manual of the OR-LS. Here is what you want to do, right?


The ISP is providing 64 (for example) IP addresses to your router A.

You want to give 8 (for example) IP addresses to each of routers B, C, and D.

The connection between the five devices is all frame relay. You have four
DLCIs at router A. Routers B, C, and D each have one DLCI. The ISP has
one DLCI.

The programming of the B, C, and D routers is easy. Here is a typical
configuration (I have deleted a few irrelevant things):

Livingston Enterprises PortMaster Version 3.4.2L
System uptime is 11 days 9 hours 11 minutes
Command> show all
Local Addr: living (*******.115.129) Default Host: living
Gateway: Netmask:
DNS Server: ********** Domain: ********

Port Speed Mdm Host Type Status Input Output
---- ----- --- ---------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ----------
S0 115200 on Netwrk IDLE 0 62
W1 56K on frmW1 Netwrk ESTABLISHED 94245664 19574712
Command> show global
System Name:
Default Host: living
Alternate Hosts:
IP Gateway:
Gateway Metric: 1
Default Route: Quiet (Off)
Name Service: DNS
Name Server: ***********
Domain: ***********
Telnet Access Port: 23
Command> show w1
----------------------- Current Status - Port W1 ---------------------------
Input: 94247141 Abort Errors: 26
Output: 19576467 CRC Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
TX Errors: 0 Frame Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Hardwired)
Line Speed: Ext 56K Ext Clock
Modem Control: on on
Local Address:
Interface: frmW1 (FRM,Quiet) (FRM,Quiet)
Mtu: 1500 0
LMI Poll Int: 10 (seconds)
DLCI List: 16:
Command> show ether0
Ethernet Status: IP - Enabled IPX - Disabled

Interface Addr: living (*******.115.129)
Broadcast Address:

IPX Frame Type: ETHERNET_802.2
Ethernet Address: 00:c0:05:03:0f:44

Routing: Quiet (Off)
Input Filter:
Output Filter:
Command> show routes
Destination Gateway Flag Met Interface
--------------------- -------------------- ---- --- --------- NS 1 frmW1 NLC 1 frmW1
*******.115.128 *******.115.129 NLC 1 ether0

As you will see from this setup, things are pretty simple. This router (B,
C, or D) is connected by one DLCI to the central router A. It receives
eight IP addresses (netmask 248) via that ILCI from the central router A.

At the ISP, things are also pretty simple. The ISP has only one DLCI. It
provides 64 IP addresses to that DLCI. The ISP does not know or care
whether that DLCI is feeding four sites or one.

Now the difficult part. How to program router A. Well, one important
thing is you are probably going to want to be able to filter the connection
between the DLCI and A, and you will want to filter it in a different way
than the filtering between A and B, for example. After all, A, B, C, and D
are all friendly to each other and maybe no filtering at all is needed.
But of course you need to do filtering to protect from bad things from the
outside world. So if you study the manual for the OR-LS you figure out the
answer -- you simply set up a subinterface on the synch port of router A.
The subinterface will connect to the DLCIs for routers B, C, and D. The
main interface on the synch port will connect to the DLCI for the ISP.

Ready for the bad news? Subinterfacing doesn't work on the OR-LS. Or at
least, it didn't work a couple of months ago when I reported this problem.
Maybe the software for the OR-LS has been fixed since then. But as of
then, it didn't work. Yes, it is right there in the user manual, which I
had ordered in advance of my buying decision for the OR-LS. But it didn't
work. Oh, well. Now I should say that to Livingston's credit they were
incredibly helpful, the details of which I will not go into, but suffice it
to say it worked out well. I ended up with a slightly different
configuration, with an IRX-111 located in position A. And the IRX-111 does
do subinterfacing.

What you need to do is to check with Livingston on this. Hopefully
subinterfacing works now on the OR-LS, and you can simply load the latest
operating system into one of your OR-LSs, the one that is going to be A.
And all will work.

Here is a configuration that works for router A. (Note that I do not yet
have routers C and D connected.)

Command> ver
Livingston PortMaster IRX ComOS 3.5f/9702201201
System uptime is 32 days 19 hours 35 minutes
Command> show all
Local Addr: *******.115.161
Gateway: ******* Netmask:
DNS Server: ******* Domain: ********

Port Speed Mdm Host Type Status Input Output
---- ----- --- ---------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ----------
S0 9600 off Login USERNAME 3 120
S1 56K on frm1 Netwrk ESTABLISHED 410988278 4292650231
Command> show global
System Name:
IP Gateway: *******.113.25
Gateway Metric: 1
Default Routing: Quiet (Off)
Name Service: DNS
Name Server: ****
Domain: ****
Telnet Access Port: 23
Command> show s1
----------------------- Current Status - Port S1 ---------------------------
Input: 410990438 Abort Errors: 2
Output: 4292805468 CRC Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
TX Errors: 1 Frame Errors: 1
Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Hardwired)
Line Speed: Ext 56K Ext Clock
Modem Control: on on
Local Address: *******.113.26 *******.113.26
Interface: frm1 (FRM,Quiet) (FRM,Quiet)
Mtu: 1500 0
Pkt Filters: In:netrack Out:
LMI Poll Int: 10 (seconds)
DLCI List: 16:*******.113.25
Dial Group: 10
Command> show ether0
Ethernet Status: IP - Enabled IPX - Disabled

Interface Addr: *******.115.161
Broadcast Address: *******.115.191

IPX Network: 00000000
IPX Frame Type: ETHERNET_802.2
Ethernet Address: 00:c0:05:00:19:e3

Routing: Quiet (Off)
Command> show routes
Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 0 *******.113.25 local NS 1 frm1
*******.113.24 30 *******.113.26 local NL 1 frm1 29 local NL 1 frm2
*******.115.128 29 local NS 1 frm2
*******.115.160 27 *******.115.161 local NL 1 ether0
Command> show loc homes
Location: homes Type: Sub-Interface
IP Address: Netmask:
Protocol: Frame Relay Options: Quiet
Group: 10 Mtu: 1500

IP DLCI's: DLCI Address
----- ------------

The location "homes" is tied by dial group 10 to S1, the synchronous port
on router A. Homes is defined as a subinterface. In this case only one of
routers B, C, D is connected, and its DLCI is 17.

As you will see, I am doing everything with static routes, no broadcasting
at all.