Re: [Q]: NAS-Port-Type = 56K perhaps? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 21:06:28 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Curtis Coleman shaped the electrons to say...
>as a RADIUS pair. If the initial connection is 56K and the RADIUS profile
>limits them to 33.6, negotiate down. If the connection is in progress for
>a 33.6-limited user, deny negotiating up above 33.6.

That could get messy - the modems don't like being taken from PCM
signalling to V.34. Personally I'm not sure they can do that. It
would mean basicaly dropping the connection and starting over with a new
signalling system.

I don't think they can go the other way either - if they don't connect
with PCM, I don't believe they can switch to it later.

I'll double check.

>Not that I've decided to put these sort of caps on my users, but I'm sure
>it's been floating around in the minds of a lot of ISPs here. If its only

Actually everything I've seen so far is that ISP are nearly unanimously
making 56K just another modem user. Nothing different between V.34 and

And seeing as how, in the real world, average connect speeds see to be
in the mid 40K range, it really isn't all that much more than 33.6K.

>Might as well take advantage of the tight integration between the modems
>and the rest of the chassis.

Actually, I'm not sure that there is a way to tell the DSP code to force
a retrain or renegotiate. I've only seen it do it automatically.


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