Re: NT/PM weirdness

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 18:14:26 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 15 Jul 1997, Joe Konopka wrote:

> Pardon me if this isn't PM specific, but has anyone seen this?
> We've got a dialup customer, who is running WinNT Workstation. When he
> dials into our POP, using a Livingston PM2, he gets an error message:
> Error 720: No PPP protocols configured

hehe, sounds like he didn't configure his side for PAP...

> Authentication is all fine, have watched the output of radiusd -x. He gets
> dropped right after auth. Now, the funny part is, he says when he calls
> another local ISP who is using USR equipment, he connects fine. Ideas,
> anyone?

Is the other ISP using CHAP?

have him install M$IE from scratch and that should fix it!

Aloha from Paradise,
