Re: Thunder Storms

Kyle Platts (
Mon, 14 Jul 97 10:56:25 -0500

>I'm having a problem with one of our remote location and recent
electrical storm activity in this area. Well, at least the problem
occurs or is more amplified when there is a thunder storm. We
have a PM2ER-30 and into that is plugged a Motorola FT100S and =
that is plugged the Telco's Pargain Technologes HRE422 HDSL. Our
equipment is plugged into a SmartUPS. Now everytime a storm goes
over head I loose my W1 connection. The Portmaster shows a
" CONNECTING " on W1. The only remedy is to actually unplug the
Motorola from the UPS socket powering it down and then plug
it back in again powering it back up again. The PM2ER immediately
establishes the connection.
Has anyone heard of such a thing ? Or any ideas, like could it be
a poor Telco ground ? It's been very frustrating.

Since you have an FT100s, what does it's performance monitoring =
report to you? This is going to tell you immediately if there is =
trouble on the line or not. Also, what lights are lit on the HDSL =
unit when it's normal, when it locks up?=20

What makes you think it's a bad ground?

Do you have an inside terminal? is it grounded good? is the HDSL =
casing grounded?=20

Jake brings up a good point about the water. You could have a =
swinging ground or tip-ring short on either loop1 or loop2 of the =
HDSL. The unit should report this in it's performance montitoring =

Check performance monitoring in the CSU, if you see some errors =
when this happens, write down what you get, crc's bipolar's, etc. =
Then call the telco and ask to have performance monitoring pulled =
from the HDSL unit and tell them what you are seeing specifically =
when this happens.=20

Remember Kyle's T-1 rule of thumb - Only Dumb People Buy Dumb =
CSU's :-)

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services