NT RAS error 629

Stephen R. van den Berg (srb@cuci.nl)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 05:09:46 +0200

It's one of those days again...
Picture this:
- A customer is running Windows NT, service pack 1, on a machine that
also has an ethernet card and participates in a Novell network.
- We configure and set him up to dial in here using PPP, PAP authentication
and an external analog modem (33k6).
- Everything works just fine. He can E-mail, browse, FTP etc.
- *Then* he installs some kind of Novell software upgrade on the NT machine.

Next thing you know: Dialing in to the Internet doesn't work
anymore. What happens is:
1. He dials, PPP negotiations start.
2. The connection is authenticated just fine using PAP.
3. Even the IPCP layer comes up correctly and everything.
4. Immediately after this point, the NT machine decides to terminate
the PPP connection again and eventually hangs up.
It's almost as if a timeout has been set to zero seconds.
5. The user gets a small error box on the NT machine, telling him
that error 629 occurred.

Does this look familiar to anyone? Any way to fix this?

To quote from the NT manual:
629 The link has been disconnected for one of the following reasons:
An unrecoverable phone line error.
A noisy line.
Disconnection by the system administrator.
A conflict in configuration parameters between the client and the remote

Not that this helps, of course :-).

This happens on a PM3 (and also when dialing in to a MicaBlazer, so it's
not the PM3's fault).

We tried changing some of the PPP RAS parameters in the registry. To no
avail. We also tried applying service pack 3. Didn't help.
Then we tried throwing away all phonebook entries and creating a new
entry from scratch. Didn't work (if it would have, I wouldn't be asking here
anymore :-). The same error keeps popping up extremely consistently (that's
just about the only good thing about this problem, it's reproducable like

Here's the PPP log as the WindowsNT machine sees it:
(Any hints, or suggestions would be appreciated; our client isn't too thrilled
at the thought that he'd have to reinstall WindowsNT from scratch just
to fix the "Internet-problem").
-------------------------------cut here---------------------------
Line up event occurred on port 0
FsmInit called for protocol = c021, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = c021, port = 0
FsmThisLayerStarted called for protocol = c021, port = 0
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:38:923
<Protocol = LCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x16, Id = 0x0, Port = 0
<C0 21 01 00 00 14 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 00 00 |.!..............|
<0A B3 07 02 08 02 |...... |

Timeout event received for protocol c021 on port 0, Id=0
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:40:926
<Protocol = LCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x16, Id = 0x0, Port = 0
<C0 21 01 00 00 14 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 00 00 |.!..............|
<0A B3 07 02 08 02 |...... |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:40:976
>Protocol = LCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x1a, Id = 0x1, Port = 0
>C0 21 01 01 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 2B A8 |.!............+.|
>4D 49 07 02 08 02 03 04 C0 23 |MI.......# |

<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:40:976
<Protocol = LCP, Type = Configure-Ack, Length = 0x1a, Id = 0x1, Port = 0
<C0 21 02 01 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 2B A8 |.!............+.|
<4D 49 07 02 08 02 03 04 C0 23 |MI.......# |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:066
>Protocol = LCP, Type = Configure-Ack, Length = 0x16, Id = 0x0, Port = 0
>C0 21 02 00 00 14 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 00 00 |.!..............|
>0A B3 07 02 08 02 |...... |

FsmThisLayerUp called for protocol = c021, port = 0
LCP Local Options-------------
Recv Framing = PPP,SSHF=OFF,MRRU=1500
LCP Remote Options-------------
Send Framing = PPP,SSHF=OFF,MRRU=1500
LCP Configured successfully
Authenticating phase started
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:066
<Protocol = PAP, Type = Protocol specific, Length = 0x15, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
<C0 23 01 02 00 13 07 63 61 64 6C 61 6E 64 06 XX |.#.....cadland.X|

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:257
>Protocol = PAP, Type = Protocol specific, Length = 0x16, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
>C0 23 02 02 00 14 0F 4C 6F 67 69 6E 20 53 75 63 |.#.....Login Suc|
>63 65 65 64 65 64 |ceeded |

FsmThisLayerUp called for protocol = c023, port = 0
FsmInit called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
FsmInit called for protocol = 8021, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = 8021, port = 0
FsmThisLayerStarted called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:307
<Protocol = CCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0xc, Id = 0x1, Port = 0
<80 FD 01 01 00 0A 12 06 00 00 00 00 |............ |

FsmThisLayerStarted called for protocol = 8021, port = 0
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:307
<Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
<80 21 01 02 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 00 00 |.!.......-......|
<00 00 |.. |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:307
>Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x1, Port = 0
>80 21 01 01 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 00 03 06 0A FF |.!.......-......|
>FF FF |.. |

<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:307
<Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Ack, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x1, Port = 0
<80 21 02 01 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 00 03 06 0A FF |.!.......-......|
<FF FF |.. |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:457
>Protocol = LCP, Type = Protocol-Reject, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
>C0 21 08 02 00 10 80 FD 01 01 00 0A 12 06 00 00 |.!..............|
>00 00 |.. |

FsmThisLayerFinished called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:457
>Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Nak, Length = 0xc, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
>80 21 03 02 00 0A 03 06 0A 01 06 D7 |.!.......... |

<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:457
<Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Req, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x3, Port = 0
<80 21 01 03 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 0A 01 |.!.......-......|
<06 D7 |.. |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:41:587
>Protocol = IPCP, Type = Configure-Ack, Length = 0x12, Id = 0x3, Port = 0
>80 21 02 03 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 0A 01 |.!.......-......|
>06 D7 |.. |

FsmThisLayerUp called for protocol = 8021, port = 0

Between the message above, and the message below, there is no
noticeable delay (less than 1 second). So far we haven't been able
to figure out *why* it is simply terminating a perfectly healthy
connection immediately after connection establishment.

FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = 8021, port = 0
<PPP packet sent at 07/11/1997 11:50:42:088
<Protocol = IPCP, Type = Terminate-Req, Length = 0xa, Id = 0x4, Port = 0
<80 21 05 04 00 08 00 00 00 1F |.!........ |

>PPP packet received at 07/11/1997 11:50:42:198
>Protocol = IPCP, Type = Terminate-Ack, Length = 0x6, Id = 0x2, Port = 0
>80 21 06 02 00 04 |.!.... |

Term Ack with on port 0 silently discarded. Invalid Id
Timeout event received for protocol 80fd on port 0, Id=1
Line down event occurred on port 0
FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = c021, port = 0
FsmThisLayerStarted called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = 80fd, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = 8021, port = 0
FsmReset called for protocol = c021, port = 0
-------------------------------cut here---------------------------

Sincerely,                                                          srb@cuci.nl
           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).

Some people live life in the fast lane. You're in oncoming traffic.