Re: PM3 3.5.1b20 modem stuff + question

George Salemie (
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 18:34:52 -0500

Hi Chris,

Please refer to the ComOS 3.5.1b20 Release Notes. I have copied a relevant
section, which appears below:

Frame Relay Subinterfaces Increased

ComOS 3.5.1b20 supports Frame Relay subinterfaces on all PortMaster
products, including the PM-2R, PM-2ER, OR-LS, OR-HS, IRX, and PM-3.
In releases before ComOS 3.5.1b20, these were only supported on the IRX.

In ComOS 3.5.1b20, each Frame Relay port can now have up to 32
subinterfaces. In releases before ComOS 3.5.1b20, a synchronous port
configured for Frame Relay could have one primary interface and one
secondary subinterface configured on it, splitting DLCIs between the
two interfaces.

There is a limit of 512 total active interfaces, further limited by
available memory.

For more information see the "DLCI Table Configuration" section in the
"Location Table" chapter of the Command Line Administrator's Guide.

>And now, a question:
>Due to BellSouth's total unreliability with ISDN BRI lines, we are going
>to start moving to frame relay, which I am still learning about. We
>have a customer with 5 offices that need pretty high bandwidth between
>them + a net connection. We are thinking of using frame relay with a
>PVC between each pair of offices, and one office with a PVC back to us.
>They also want to filter traffic from the Internet. Now, from what I
>understand, I can have as many (within reason) DLCIs and locations in an
>Office Router, and can divide them into (currently only 2) interfaces.
>That sounds like it would be sufficient for this setup. The only
>Livingston product I have used is the PM3, and I would like to reccomend
>the OR for this, but I need to make sure I understand all of the
>correctly. I appreciate any help anyone can give me.

*** George Salemie Email: ***
*** Systems Engineer Phone: 281-286-1100 ***
*** Livingston Enterprises URL: ***