PM3 3.5.1b20 modem stuff + question

Chris Adams (
12 Jul 1997 15:42:57 -0500

I installed ComOS 3.5.1b20 on a PortMaster 3 (with 2 PRI) here 2 weeks
ago. I was looking at the logs after receiving some complaints about
modem connect speeds and disconnects, and noticed 2 things:

1) Here is the breakdown of the reported connect speeds from the RADIUS
logs from about 17000 log entries:

33600: 1.5%
31200: 6.3%
28800: 29.0%
26400: 26.7%
24000: 4.8%
21600: 1.9%
19200: 1.3%
16800: 0.2%
14400: 11.4%
12000: 0.4%
9600: 1.4%
7200: 0.3%
4800: 3.3%
2400: 4.9%
1200: 6.7%

All of these connected with LAPM, and most with V42BIS compression,
which seems to me to say that they are almost all at least 14.4 modems.
The high percentage of 4800, 2400, and 1200 bps connections bothers me,
especially since the percentage goes up as the speed goes down.

2) While the "show modems" command shows modems that had "LOST CARRIER"
as the disconnect reason, doing "show mXX" for that modem shows "Lost
Carrier: 0" under "Session Terminations". This seems to be a reporting
bug of some type.

And now, a question:
Due to BellSouth's total unreliability with ISDN BRI lines, we are going
to start moving to frame relay, which I am still learning about. We
have a customer with 5 offices that need pretty high bandwidth between
them + a net connection. We are thinking of using frame relay with a
PVC between each pair of offices, and one office with a PVC back to us.
They also want to filter traffic from the Internet. Now, from what I
understand, I can have as many (within reason) DLCIs and locations in an
Office Router, and can divide them into (currently only 2) interfaces.
That sounds like it would be sufficient for this setup. The only
Livingston product I have used is the PM3, and I would like to reccomend
the OR for this, but I need to make sure I understand all of the
correctly. I appreciate any help anyone can give me.

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.