Re: BGP (fwd)

Tom Samplonius (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:40:59 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Gregory McLean wrote:

> > Once upon a time Tom Samplonius shaped the electrons to say...
> > > Sure, except for the modem code, the telco signalling, and the IRX sync
> > >performance problems (perhaps fixed in b17). Not a great track record.
> > >But not any worse than anybody else.
> >
> > Actually I think it is better that MANY other vendors.
> I'd have to agree with MZ on that.
> --- Have a look see ----
> Livingston PortMaster PM-25 ComOS 3.5.1b17
> System uptime is 67 days 4 hours 26 minutes

But it is a PM25, so it has no ISDN, no sync port, no T1 ports, and no
modems. It is pretty hard for Livingston to screw it up :)

If you want to talk about PM2-class units, you aren't even in the
running at 67 days:

From #1 PM of a 3 PM group, upgraded a couple weeks after 3.5 came out:

Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.5
System uptime is 128 days 1 hours 45 minutes

From #1 PM of a 5 PM group, upgraded to 3.3.3 a couple weeks after it
came out, but we had some power failures:

Livingston Enterprises PortMaster Version 3.3.3
System uptime is 224 days 3 hours 18 minutes

Only the PM3s units are all under 30 days. I like it that way, because
the PRI singalling breaks after about 4 to 6 weeks, requiring a reboot to
