Re: Secondary RADIUS accounting server

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:40:39 -0700

MegaZone wrote:
> Since this has come up a few times, I wanted to give the final word:
> ---cut---
> The criteria for a PortMaster to send accounting packets to a secondary
> accounting server instead of the primary accounting server are:
> 1. The primary RADIUS accounting server does not respond within 10min.
> The PortMaster retries the accounting server once every 45 seconds.
> ....or...
> 2. The primary RADIUS accounting server does not respond and there are 50
> accounting packets waiting to be sent.
> ---cut---

And the final word is that Livingstion *AGAIN* takes thier customer
by the hair says "you will do it like we want you to do it and thats
that". My question is WHY is livingston so bull headed about
giving *US* the ability to configure some of this? Don't give me
code bloat crap either. We're not talking much here:

* Configure RADIUS Timeouts
* Configure RADIUS Retries
* Configure RADIUS Ports

If anyone at Livingston is listening, make your NAS MORE configurable
in this one area (like all of the other NAS vendors) and we will all
stop complaining. This attitude of "we know best" is just not
cutting it.

Dale E. Reed Jr.  (
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