LE Support must have lots of eMails.

Phil Taylor (Phil@lansystems.co.uk)
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:09:54 +0100


A quick look at various messages on PM-Users I see an awful lot c.c.'d
to support.

While I think that there are numerous reasons why this practice should
be applauded (I have done it myself) I wonder if LE should maybe have a
few different eMail boxes depending upon content.

One that springs to mind immediately is RFE's. while improvements are no
less important than repairs in the long term, faults and problems should
really take priority (If it doesn't have a particular feature now it is
unlikely to have it tomorrow and most people can live with it, whereas
if you can't get a particular feature working you usually need it

Although it hasn't happened to me, I would hate to think that my message
to support might get missed because of a deluge of RFE's, me too's and
complaints about missing T-Shirts :-)

If you think these are just the ramblings of a very tired and bored tech
on a friday afternoon please treat it as such and don't bother replying,
other comments (good or bad) are welcome, and please, don't c.c. it to
support :-)

