Re: BGP (fwd)

Chris Britton (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 23:41:13 -0400

At 08:11 PM 7/10/97 -0700, you wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:
>> Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
>> >That's ok though, I'll happily continue giving Cisco my router business.
>> Which is fine, we're not going to try to convince someone who just has
>> to have CPU monitoring to buy Livingston. It isn't worth it, and it just
>> annoys them.
> What planet are you living on? If you can't verify whether a router is
>working correctly why have it?
> BTW, do you have an land if Florida you'd like to sell? I'll trust you
>that its right on the beach, in the best part of town, and buy it having
>never seen it.
If the only way you can verify a router is working correctly is by
monitoring the cpu usage then you are in pretty bad shape. If you really
must know what the cpu is doing hook up an external monitor like they do at
livingston (as MZ stated earlier) and monitor it.
I look at it this way. ComOS works. It not only works, it works great.
Now if you want them to totally re-write and re-engineer the code then I
suggest you, and anyone else who wants this feature, volunteer to be guinea
pigs for the months of alpha and beta testing while they get the new
ComOS+CPU monitor code working. Personally I'd rather see them woking on
features like NFAS and future support for IPv6. But I guess these features
won't be worth anything since unless we can monitor the cpu usage then it
can't be working.
Labyrinth Solutions Inc. Chris Britton
Systems Manager P.O. Box 434 Morgantown, WV 26507