CT-1 DS0's showing as all "off hook" (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 13:20:27 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jawaid Bazyar shaped the electrons to say...
>I am in the process of installing a PM3 in the following environment:
>Channelized T1


>The manuals aren't clear on whether the "set isdn-switch" command is
>required for CT1 application.

No, switch-type is meaningless to chanT1.

>I have the following config options set:
>set line0 isdn

You have chanT1 - ISDN is wrong.

>set isdn-switch att-ess5

Makes no difference.

>The version of ComOS is 3.5c6... I just caught a note on inet-access that
>says that 3.5.1b8 was the first release to support CT1. I assume the
>version I have is not new enough?

Correct. At this point you should have 3.5.1b20 loaded. That is the current
beta - channelized T1 is not a full release yet.


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