Re: 3.5.1b20

Jukka Pakkanen (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 22:48:26 +0200

Jeffrey J. Mountin wrote:
> >We tried the new b20 code in our PM3. Connection rate
> >dropped from 3.5c6 īs 95% to 80%... not good. About the
> >same result we got when we tested the b17 few weeks ago.
> Just curious on how you came to these figures?

SH Mx.. and a pocket calculator... Good Connects / Total Calls * 100.

> Almost all problems ceased when we upgraded. To supports great relief. :)

Well, luckily we donīt have any major problems. Just few 14.4K modems
having trouble connecting etc. Also the new tracert code would be nice.

> >Also, with b17 and b20, both green and red LEDīd are
> >on in the Line0 and Line1, why is that? The unit is
> >working all right (except the modem code...).
> Didn't have a problem with this. CT1 or PRI? Settings would help.

EI PRI. Iīve heard this same starnge behavior in at least 10 different
And in every case it came after upgrading to 3.5.1b8 or newer. But itīs
really a problem, the unit and the line is working fine.
