Re: PM3 Connections

Howard Leadmon (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 21:00:17 -0400 (EDT)

> *pout* I want ISDN!! But, our area, being in the mountain, doesn't have
> enough cable pairs ..... hope something works out!
> --
> Aloha from Paradise,
> Sherwood

ISDN rous over hte exact same pair count (1 pair) as regular POTS service.
Considering you basically get two lines over one pair, it's more pair
efficient than POTS. So thats no excuse for not having ISDN.. :)

Internet : | Howard D. Leadmon
UUCP : wb3ffv!howardl | ABSnet Internet Services
PHONE : (410)-361-8160 | 200 E. Lexington Street
FAX : (410)-361-8162 | Suite-1602
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