Re: PM3 Connections

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 14:36:54 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Aaron (Zim) wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> >Ah, what modem are you using? the code in the ComOS is NOT 33.6Kbps
> fully
> >compliant... and is kind of strict... I agree it sucks for gaming
> heheh
> >damn latency...but that's why I game from the office now days... ;)
> the modem i use at home is a usr sportster already X2 upgraded..
> (maybe it'll see 56k in 98) :) also i'm about 2 blocks from the phone
> company's CO, and we (the ISP) are located about 3 blocks from a CO
> also.. i always get good connections.. i can get 33.6 on some LD
> connections.. i've also got isdn at home.. so the modem is mainly for
> testing..

*pout* I want ISDN!! But, our area, being in the mountain, doesn't have
enough cable pairs ..... hope something works out!

Aloha from Paradise,
