PM3's and slow connections.

Jaime Bozza (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 16:35:05 -0500 (CDT)

For Support Reference, my ticket # is 38402.

This is a little tidbit that I've tried with several customers today, and
it's been 100% successful. (So far, anyway)

Many of our customers have been complaining of slow connections. Since I
could never really track down WHY, and didn't want to switch back to
3.5.1b8 (Running b20 now), I searched long and hard for a fix. I remember
Andy explaining to me the technical changes with modem negotiation in b20,
and decided to test a theory.

Basically, I turned off MNP5 for all these customers. For USR Modems, I
used AT&K3 (Under Extra Settings in the Modem Properties). For Rockwell,
I used AT%C2 -- By default, these modems will try and negotiate MNP5 or
v.42bis. When I turned off MNP5, they negotiated v.42bis exclusively, and
as a result, net connections were a TON faster. So far I've tried this on
a couple of Hayes 56K's, several Supras, a couple of Couriers, and a few
Sportsters. All resulted in the same thing. Faster connections.

Now, I really don't understand WHY it works, and perhaps someone from tech
support or engineering can shed some light. Maybe occasionally the PM3
modems would negotiate a faulty MNP5 connection, or maybe they'd try to
negotiate both?

Either way, perhaps this will help everyone out?

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.

PS - BTW, I didn't have to use the AT+MS string for the Hayes 56K's.
Just used the defaults in Win95. (3/12/97 .INF file)