Re: Shell Access

PM Mailing List (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 11:07:06 -0500 (CDT)

We just charge an extra $5 for shell accounts, and that's ONLY if you
already have a PPP account. Unless the client seriously needs it for
business work (has to telnet from work), or needs it for cgi scripting,
these people will usually go looking for another ISP where the shell is
free. =3D) =20

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Christer Olsson wrote:
> NEVER use the radius-server for shell-accounts! That=B4s dangerous!=20
> I guess the user wants shell access for running IRC-bots or something.=20
> That may give very high traffic because all attacks against IRC-bots.=20
> Even muds may give heavy traffic.=20
> If you=B4ll give him shell-access, just do that on some different=20
> Linux-machine, I.e an old 486 with linux or so. If possible, on a=20
> ethernet-switch so the linuxmachine cannot scan the network for passwords=
> or so.=20