3 lines between two units

Stavros Patiniotis (stavros@esc.net.au)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 00:01:00 +0930 (CST)

I want to connect two pm2's together with 3 x 33.6k modem links. I have
use pmconsole and added a location table called "city", I have set the IP
address as the ip of the unit answering the call (ie the pm2's actual ip
address), Type to continuous, protocol ppp/ip, dial script PAP with my
user/pass/phone, and maximum ports to 3.

Firstly when I dial this "city" link, it has brought (not successfuly) up
more than 3 links. Secondly the ports get stuck in the CONNECTING state (a
look at the modem showed that a fair amount of traffic was been looped back
and forth between itself!!)

The receiving portmaster has port type of Network/login and Network type
dial in. The dialing portmaster has port type as same, Network type dial

Portmaster sending call:
S6 city - Netwrk Out CONNECTING 0 0

Portmaster receiving call.
S19 temp - Netwrk In CONNECTING 0 0

auth.info says:
Jul 9 23:54:41 pm1 dialnet: port S19 PPP succeeded dest Negotiated
Jul 9 23:54:44 pm1 dialnet: port S19 temp succeeded dest
Jul 9 23:55:48 pm1 dialnet: port S19 ppp_sync failed dest ppp7.esc.net.au

The dial view says:
Port type for port S6 changed from Login/Netwrk to User
Starting dial to location city using S6
Netwrk to User Login/Network(dialout)
sendthem (ATDT82935857)
expect (=DCD=)
\r\nNO CARRIER\r\nATDT82935857\r\r\nRINGING\r\n\r\nCONNECT
31=DCD=2=DCD=got it
Chat Succeeded - Starting PPP

Any suggestions appreciated :)


Stavros Patiniotis
-System Administrator / Network Manager Escape.Net -
- 465b South Rd -
-email: stavros@esc.net.au Keswick SA 5035 -
-URL: http://www.esc.net.au Ph 82932526 Fax 82932949-