Re: TCP-Clear Rlogin possible?

Brian Elfert (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 20:56:04 -0500 (CDT)

On 9 Jul 1997, Paul Gregg wrote:

> I would like to add a 'bbs' login to our Portmaster via radius. In order
> to 'minimise' the login hassle I would like to use Rlogin but as it is a BBS
> I need an 8 bit clear connection which Rlogin doesn't provide.

Hmm.. We used to run a Wildcat BBS that was telnet accessible, and we have
a number of Portmasters. We were able to get the Portmaster to establish
an 8 bit connection to the BBS. We simply set up an entry in our RADIUS
users file that specified to rlogin to the host that was the BBS.

It's been a number of months since I shutdown the BBS, and I don't
remember exactly how it was set up.
