Re: 3.5b20 is out for PM-3's!!!! & CTX Computers

A. David Wright (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 16:13:30 -0600

I just wanted to weigh in on this thread. We've got some users with
Rockwell RPI based 14.4 modems. These are a peculiar breed of HSP modem
that does error correction and compression on the computer. None of these
users actually have the RPI drivers installed, and they can ONLY connect to
our PM3s. They can not connect to our PM-2Es (with Sportsters connected to
them). Since the modems are running without error correction, the only
thing I can think of is that the CT-1s going into the PM3 are "cleaner" and
therefore have less of a need for error correction. Does that sound like a
reasonable assumption to anyone?

I just wanted to point out that there actually are cases of modems that
will connect to PM3s but not to other modems, since it always appears the
other way around.

-David Wright

> From: Jaime Bozza <>
> To: Sean Rollman <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: 3.5b20 is out for PM-3's!!!! & CTX Computers
> Date: Saturday, June 28, 1997 10:04 AM
> On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Sean Rollman wrote:
> > I have an ISP customer having the exact same problem but with a Zoltrex
> > 33.6 modem. Does anyone know of new init strings? Problem started as
> > as we upgraded to ComOS 3.5.1b20
> Again, it's probably an HSP modem. Zoltrix has new drivers on their
> webpage. ( I've had one person tell me they
> updated an HSP modem to the 2.16 code, and it connects fine to 3.5.1b20,
> so it should work with all HSP modems. Have the customer grab the new
> modem software.
> Jaime Bozza
> Nucleus Communications, Inc.