Re: yet another weird modem

Brandon Rich (
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 15:12:30 -0400

We buy/sell the Phoebe Micro 33.6 CM 1433VQH (internal non-voice) modems
all the time. We run PM3's with ComOS b16 on them and haven't had a
problem with these modems at all. I actually sort of perfer them. They
have those jumper thingies on them too. I've only installed them on Win95
systems and I use the Standard Modem driver for them (Win95 will auto
detect it and use the Standard Modem drivers). I guess your having
problems with them?

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On 07/08/97, at 09:10 AM, Alan Byargeon wrote:

>Has anyone ever heard of a Phoebe modem?