Re: Slow FTP from livingston site
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 21:59:34 -0400 (EDT)

> > Some constructive criticism;
> >
> > In the afternoon, I can not access the livingston webpage in a useful way at
> > all. It's just too slow. It's not me or my connection. I go there mostly for the
> > technotes and tech support files. Is it livingston's connection/webserver or
> > their provider which is causing the slowdown?
> >
> Have you thought of a possible problem on the other side of the link, ie on
> your side ?
> Assuming that you browsed from the same site you sent your email, your side
> seems more loaded than Livingston's.
> just my $.2
> Arnaud.
> --
> Arnaud Girsch -+- Marben Products, Inc. / DSET Corporation - San Jose, CA
> -+- -+-

Perhaps it's just co-incidence that traceroute vomits at the netcom network from
a half dozen traceroute servers at various parts of the internet.

You are also nearly within spitting distance of livingston, which could help
your connectivity a bit.

Jason Philbrook         |         Midcoast Internet Solutions         |     Internet Access, LAN, WAN, and Linux    |   Service and Consulting for Midcoast Maine