Re: one password prompt wanted instead of two

Igor V. Semenyuk (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 03:02:55 +0400 (MSD)

> A book publicity site is not a good source of technical info. I can't
> find anything specific about this. Do you have a more specific URL?

This is not a security mailing list. Check your nearest security archive
or search the web for more specific URL. (Hint: there's a lot of
things you can do without getting a single bit in response;
"echo + + > ~/.rhosts" is the easiest one).

> Another more important point: does your server use easy to guess
> sequence numbers? If so, maintaining a spoofed session is much easier.
> Check with your UNIX vendor.

I assume all your equipment has the latest software from you vendors.
Are you filtering at your border routers? If yes, why? Guess
you are not quite sure about your vendor(s)...

> > Considering rather rare occasions this authentication is needed
> > it should not be a big deal.
> It is. Every application may not be rare.

And the Moon may fall on the Earth. Let's get real.

> No session encryption? I would prefer session encryption over
> authentication, because you could always authentication securely over a
> encrypted session, and you can run sessions over insecure networks too
> (which you can if only the authentication is encrypted).

Sure you do. Me, too. But wait, you just said it's quite cpu-intensive
task, so session encryption is impossible (at least without additional
hardware power). Now, what would you prefer - no session encryption
*and* no strong authentication, or strong athentication at least?

The answer is obvious - unless you are maximalist, "everything or
nothing". Hopefully there aren't many people of that type.

Igor V. Semenyuk                    Internet:
SOVAM Teleport                      Phone:    +7 095 258 4170
Moscow, Russia                      Fax:      +7 095 258 4133