Re: USR Sportster Modems

Brian Elfert (
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 14:34:31 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, Steve Fogelson wrote:

> I have a PM2E-10 with USR Sportster 33.6K/Fax modems connected to it. I
> use the modem config usr-v34. Connect speed is set to 115200.
> I am dialing in with an internal USR Sportster 33.6K/Fax modem (Eprom
> and DSP date of 10/13/95 - ver 1.1) using Windows 95. "Connection

This is old, old, old. There were a few known problems with this rev.
Have the user get the 5/17/96 ROM rev from USR.

> There are only two modems, I can consistently connect to. One is a model
> 83905 and has an eprom and DSP date of 12/4/96 (Ver 10.0.5). I can
> connect to this one all the time.
> All the other modems are model 83901 with an eprom and DSP date 0f
> 5/17/96 (Ver 2.32). The first one on the TELCO hunt group (1st line), I
> can connect to all the time. I can seldom connect (get the terminal
> window) to some of the other modems and some of them not at all.

Put the one that works great at the end of your hunt, and then give this
user the phone # to that line.

> I know a lot of you don't like USR modems. Am I barking up a tree with
> these or can I somehow fix this?
> If the modems are the problem, which ones do you recommend?

USR modems are great, if you buy Couriers, MP/8s, or MP/16s. The
Sportsters suck for dialin for an ISP.
