USR Sportster Modems

Steve Fogelson (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 10:23:08 -0500

I have a PM2E-10 with USR Sportster 33.6K/Fax modems connected to it. I
use the modem config usr-v34. Connect speed is set to 115200.

I am dialing in with an internal USR Sportster 33.6K/Fax modem (Eprom
and DSP date of 10/13/95 - ver 1.1) using Windows 95. "Connection
control" is setup to "Bring up terminal window after dialing". Under
"Server Type", the only allowed network is "TCP/IP". "Advanced options"
are set to "Log onto network" and "Enable software compression". "TCP/IP
settings" are "Server assigned IP address", "Server assigned name server
address", "Use IP header compression", and "Use default gateway on
remote network".

There are only two modems, I can consistently connect to. One is a model
83905 and has an eprom and DSP date of 12/4/96 (Ver 10.0.5). I can
connect to this one all the time.

All the other modems are model 83901 with an eprom and DSP date 0f
5/17/96 (Ver 2.32). The first one on the TELCO hunt group (1st line), I
can connect to all the time. I can seldom connect (get the terminal
window) to some of the other modems and some of them not at all.

I know a lot of you don't like USR modems. Am I barking up a tree with
these or can I somehow fix this?

If the modems are the problem, which ones do you recommend?

Thanks in advance

Steve Fogelson
IPS Incorporated