Re: one password prompt wanted instead of two

Igor V. Semenyuk (
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 17:03:55 +0400 (MSD)

Welcome to the club :-)

You either have double password prompt and feel yourself safely
or get rid of the second prompt and step on a shaky ground.

If you are brave enough to go the latter way just add your
terminal server name to /etc/hosts.equiv on your host and make
sure your rlogind honors this file.

You are now vulernable to spoofing attacks.

Question to Livingston:

Are there any chance ComOS will support strong authentication
in at least rlogin protocol? For example SSH-style RSA authentication?
This would solve the double prompt puzzle and won't compromise
host security the way the current solution does.

> Greetings,
> When I want to use rlogin for a user on PM-2E-30 (ComOS 3.5) (say with
> telnet sessions), my portmaster asks password 2 times (apparently first -
> RADIUS', the other one - host system's), I use RADUIS 2.0 on Linux. How
> do I leave just one password ? (Some of user applications use chat
> scripts, which are not worth to re-write).
> What did I miss ?? Thanks for any hint.
> Regards,
> Nodir

Igor V. Semenyuk                    Internet:
SOVAM Teleport                      Phone:    +7 095 258 4170
Moscow, Russia                      Fax:      +7 095 258 4133