Re: Windows and Unix access to modems on PM2

Frank Heinzius (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 12:36:53 +0000


On 2 Jul 97 at 15:43, Farshad Tavallaei wrote:

> Larry,

> 4. on the PM do the following for the Win95/NT pool ports:
> set sX login network twoway
> set sX service_device netdata 7000
> reset sX
> reset sX

More precisely, the statements are:

set sX login device /dev/network network twoway
set sX service_device netdata 7000
save sX
reset sX

You may check the installation by doing

show netcon

and must have a process like

17 0 0 LISTEN

(with being an fakey PM address, donīt try it ;-)

-- Frank

Frank M. Heinzius             MMS Communication GmbH           Eiffestrasse 598             20537 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 211105-0        Fax: +49 40 210 32 210