Re: Microcom ISPorte Modem Racks

Jon Lewis (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 01:30:21 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Gary wrote:

> We had two problems:
> 1. Power supply was DOA, Microcom swapped us a new one that worked fine.
> 2. Init strings provided with our new (at the time) PM2E's modem table
> were kinda fucked up, so Livingston support dialed in and gave us new
> inits. (Thanks Livingston!)

I've had a few problems as well. First was availability. A Distributor
that's no longer authorized to do Livingston gear (but I won't name names)
sold us one, and on the day it was to arrive, I got a call saying most of
the parts were probably not coming, but they didn't actually know what had

We got a chasis and some analog modem cards but no backends and no PS.
Solunet filled the rest of the order and arranged for cross shipping of an
analog modem card as when all the parts finally arrived, I found one of
the ports on one of the cards was "bad". I just wouldn't sync, whether
the calls were incoming or outgoing.

Next, I tried playing with init strings. There's a neat one that busies
out the ports when DTR is low. Trouble was, it appeared to keep them
busied out even after DTR was raised, so I stopped playing with that. I
should probably hook up a windblows box and see what's up, and maybe
update the firmware. An X-Windows portwatch would really really be nice.
I wonder...has anyone tried portwatch under WABI on Linux?

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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