Re: price list (was: Forwarded mail...)

Richard Hodges (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 10:05:28 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Brian Elfert wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> > Once upon a time Alex Rubenstein shaped the electrons to say...
> > >VERY aggravated that there is no price list on the livingston website
> > >anymore (that I can find).

> > The international folks were getting upset since pricing is different outside
> > of North America.

> I can't see why you should remove the retail price list if it's gone. I
> thought the ISP price list on the PM3 was removed some time ago because
> the prices aren't good outside the USA and Canada.

Since the real price list is gone, I do not see any reason to
have the phony (retail) prices listed. They are imaginary.
They are worse than useless, because other manufacturers can
use them to "demonstrate" that Livingston products are much
more expensive.

It really gripes me when some company plays games with artificially
high prices so that their sales reps can play their stupid games
with us before we can get to the price we know we can get.

And yes, that is the #1 reason I bought a Saturn :-)

All the best,


Richard Hodges | (702) 888-3000
Alpine Internet | 400 Fairview Drive | Carson City, NV 89701
member, ISP/C