Re: PM2er20 and USR Courier-I?

PM Mailing List (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 10:25:29 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Michael Stopp wrote:
> Hi!
> Has anyone got experiences with USR Courier-I and PM2er (ComOS3.5)?
> Any init string recommendations?
> Thanks!

We have currently have a setup like this installed. Some problems
include: 1) random disconnects, 2) low throughput speed, as in we will get
X2 connects as high as around 52k, but the download speed will be
(fastest) 4.0kb/s, and sometimes as slow as 1.5kb/s. The init string we
use now is just a generic one, if you get any that might fix it, would
appreciate if you would forward it over and we will do likewise. =)

Thomas Tsai