Re: Microcom ISPorte Modem Racks

Gary (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 01:07:56 -0400 (EDT)

We had two problems:
1. Power supply was DOA, Microcom swapped us a new one that worked fine.
2. Init strings provided with our new (at the time) PM2E's modem table
were kinda fucked up, so Livingston support dialed in and gave us new
inits. (Thanks Livingston!)

Problem number one was probably a fluke, and problem number two could
probably have been avoided is we had read the manuals and made our own
init strings (that's always such a pain in the ass though). Since then we
have had no problems whatsoever, which is probably why you don't see much
about the ISPorte on this list. Reliablility is very boring, unlike the
56K war stories that are going around lately. Now that's entertainment!
/ Gary Swofford - Hampton Roads Online - Yorktown Virginia USA )
/ (757) 591-5300 /
(______________ System/Network/Web Administrator ______________/

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Brian Grainger wrote:

> Does anyone on the list have any war stories about
> their experience with Microcom ISPorte modem racks,
> ie good, bad, indifferent?
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Regards,
> Brian.
> Corbin Network Services, Inc.
> Box 1960, Sparwood, BC, Canada
> V0B 2G0
> Member, Canadian Association of Internet Providers
> Network operations, programming, and training.