Re: Multi-Class C Routing

Michael Brennen (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 21:56:15 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Aaron (Zim) wrote:

> is it possible for a pm3 to be on one class C, and give out dynamic ip's
> from a different class C? my 2 class C's are contigious.. 208.211.146,
> 208.211.147

I just worked this out earlier this week. The PM3 sits on an ethernet
with and address in the network. It serves up dynamic IP
addresses out of that same class C easily enough.

For the ISDN LANs that dial into the PM3, I assigned another class C to
the PM3. I enabled OSPF on the PM3, and followed the examples on the
Livingston pages in the TechNotes section to set up an area with that
class C.

Then, in the Radius users definition, I set up a special named entry with
Framed-IP-Address to the IP address of the ISDN router that is calling in,
and Framed-Route to " 1"; when this router
connects, a 3 bit subnet gets routed to it. I wasn't totally sure about
the ".0" part, but so far it has worked.

To route to it from other hosts on the same ethernet, I just added a
static route with the PM3 as the gateway. I suspect you could do the same
on the Cisco.

-- Michael