Re: Multi-Class C Routing

Farshad Tavallaei ((no email))
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 16:09:49 -0700 (PDT)

If you absolutely need the igrp, my suggestion is to turn on ospf on your cisco
and redistribute it into igrp and back (make sure your cisco is not running
10.2.2--go for 11.0 and above on your cisco)...then run ospf on your livingston
and use a /23 subnet.

Good luck

> From owner-portmaster-users Tue Jul 1 15:19:02 1997
> X-Sender:
> X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.2 (32)
> Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 16:56:17 -0500
> To:
> From: "Aaron (Zim)" <>
> Subject: Multi-Class C Routing
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> Sender: owner-portmaster-users
> Reply-To: "Aaron (Zim)" <>
> Content-Length: 998
> is it possible for a pm3 to be on one class C, and give out dynamic ip's
> from a different class C? my 2 class C's are contigious.. 208.211.146,
> 208.211.147
> i have a cisco router, and i enabled igrp routing for the 2 class C's..
> but what i'm running into is if i set the pm3's on say the 146 class C, i
> can't give out 147 ip addresses.. (that work) and the other side of the
> problem, i can set it to 147 and the dynamic ip's work, but then my
> customers w/ static (146) ip's no longer work.. i'm not running OSPF in my
> network at all..
> i know its some sort of routing problem, and i can watch the packets when i
> connect w/ a dynamic (147) ip.. when i try to ping.. the request packets
> come in fine, but the response packets never find their destination..
> i've tried everything i could think of.. anyone have any brilliant insight
> they wouldn't mind sharing? i'd REALLY appreciate it..
> btw.. this isn't a problem reaching the PM3 from the network, its the user
> dialing into the PM3
> Thanks, Aaron