Re: Couldn't send LCP_ECHO_REPLY (fwd)

James Shelburne (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 17:22:17 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, James Shelburne wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> > It sounds like he has enabled V.120 on the BS instead of running normal
> > sync PPP. What does RADIUS accounting log as his connection type?
> It says that "NAS-Port-Type = ISDN-V120". However I switched on debugging
> and sometimes it is able to send the LCP_ECHO_REPLY messages, every so
> often it will choke though. The one odd thing I noticed is that the
> software that this customer uses (whatever was bundled with his Bitsurfer)
> sends out LCP_ECHO_REQUESTs every 20 seconds which seems to be more often
> than a lot of the dial-up customers.

Man, this is the second question that I've posted to the list that I
eventually answered myself....some help you guys are ;).

Anyway, just for future reference what the deal is, is that some Mac
dial-in programs such as FreePPP have an option to check whether a PPP link
is up by sending out a LCP_ECHO_REQUEST (LCP options are some of the lower
level PPP things you see when you set debug to 0x51) after a configurable
amount of time. Our other Mac customers were sending the LCP_ECHO_REQUESTS
and getting LCP_ECHO_REPLIES in response, but for some reason the
portmaster couldn't send the reply to this particular ISDN customer.

To make a long story short, I walked through this guy's settings over the
phone and found that there was a "Echo" option that was set to send every
20 seconds, we turned that off and the problem was fixed.

Expressway Internet Services