Re: Couldn't send LCP_ECHO_REPLY (fwd)

James Shelburne (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 05:47:13 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> It sounds like he has enabled V.120 on the BS instead of running normal
> sync PPP. What does RADIUS accounting log as his connection type?

It says that "NAS-Port-Type = ISDN-V120". However I switched on debugging
and sometimes it is able to send the LCP_ECHO_REPLY messages, every so
often it will choke though. The one odd thing I noticed is that the
software that this customer uses (whatever was bundled with his Bitsurfer)
sends out LCP_ECHO_REQUESTs every 20 seconds which seems to be more often
than a lot of the dial-up customers.

What really gets me is that he says that he didn't have a problem when he
was on the other line, although when I look in the detail file he seemed
to be connecting with "ISDN-V120" even then. I'm running ComOS 3.3.3 now
but I'll upgrade to 3.5 today..

Expressway Internet Services