Re: modem connect problems, PM3, b20

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 23:35:20 -1000 (HST)

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Tim Hodges, Triangle Telephone Cooperative Assoc. wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded to my earlier questions about
> Supra and Diamond Supras. Will let you know results.
> I'm running PM-3's, CT/1, ComOS3.5.1b20
> Two troubles:
> 1. USR Sportster 33.6/Fax PNP. User complained they couldn't connect.
> I had them set DTE speed from 115200 to 57600, and ad +ms=11,1,14400,33600 as
> a string. I don't have the manual for that modem but I see now that that
> string may be incorrect. Ideas?

+ms= is a ROCKWELL command set... AFAIK ..

I would first get the latest .inf for win95 or flash upgrade...

> 2. Texas Instruments 33.6 Fax modem. User can only connect at 9600 using a
> default Hays init string. Again, any ideas?

What OS are these users running? Any manual for the TI?

How about firmware revision? ATi(x) is a nice command to find this out in
a terminal window...

Aloha from Paradise,
