Ascend P-50LS56

David Davies (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 11:19:22 -0400

Have a potential client that has an Ascend P-50LS56 sitting on his network.
He thought he had a 56k Leased Line but it turns out that he has a Frame
Relay line instead. He wants to at least get a true 56k leased line
instead of his Frame connection. Obviously if he wants to upgrade to a
fractional leased line he would need a different router.

My question to the masses, if he runs a 56k Leased Line instead of his
current Frame Relay can he continue to use his current Ascend box ? I've
been through the doc's that Ascend has sent us and the Web site, it says it
does Leased also. Anybody using one of these for this type of config. We
plan on running it into a OR-HS with a Adtran CSU/DSU.

Recommendations, hints, gripes, fears, hesitations, heartaches......all
would be appreciated.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
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