Re: USR 33.6

SLT Internet Connect (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:26:49 -0500

At 10:59 AM 4/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I am using a PM3 and have 2 cutomers trying to dial in with USR sportster
>33.6 modems. The PM3 and USR's WON'T negotiate and the line hangs up on
>them. The only way I can get them on is with the s32=4, but they will then
>only connect at 14.4. HELP, how can I get them on at at least 28.8

I think you mean s32=16 (s32=4 is not valid according to my USR Tech
Reference, 16=bit4), this will disable 33.6 and allow up to 28.8
Had one customer with this problem, turns out he swapped modems without
installing new drivers.

SLT Internet Connect