OR-ST vs Motorola BitSURF PRO

Mario J. Dominguez (mariojd@isol.net)
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:01:26 GMT

I'm trying to connect a Livingston OR-ST in dial-out mode to a
BitSURF PRO ISDN terminal connected to a Windows NT 4.0 RAS
The BitSURF is config as 64K PPP (one B channel) and it is working
This is the OR-LS config :
or-isdn> !!
show global
System Name: or-isdn
Default Host:
Alternate Hosts:
IP Gateway:
Gateway Metric: 1
Default Routing: Quiet (Off)
Name Service: DNS
Name Server: ns1.isol.net.ar
Domain: isol.net.ar
Telnet Access Port: 23
Maximum PMconsole: 1
Assigned Address:
RADIUS Server:
Alternate Server:
Accounting Server:
Alt. Acct. Server:
PPP Authentication: PAP: on CHAP: on
ISDN Switch Type: NET3
Disabled Modules: SNMP OSPF

or-isdn> show location isp
Location: isp Type: On Demand
Destination: Negotiated Netmask:
Protocol: PPP Options: Quiet, Compression
Group: 2 Max Ports: 2
Idle Timeout: 5 minutes High Mark: 0 bytes
Mtu: 1500 Async Map: 00000000
Username: mariojd Password: [16dic1989]
Telephone: 0019544720661&

or-isdn> show s1
--------------------- Current Status - ISDN Port S1 ------------------------
Status: IDLE
Input: 114 Abort Errors: 0
Output: 1368 CRC Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
TX Errors: 0 Frame Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD- CTS+ TELCO+ NT1+ Disconnect:

Active Configuration Default Configuration (* = Host
-------------------- --------------------- Can Override)
Port Type: Login/Netwrk Login/Netwrk (Dial Out)
Login Service: PortMaster PortMaster
Line Speed: 64000 64000
Hosts: default

Terminal Type:
Login Prompt: $hostname login:
Directory No: 3903091
Dial Group: 2

And the ISDN and PPP debugin is :

or-isdn> dial isp
Starting dial to location isp using S1
sendthem (CRN0019544720661)
S1: Sending Call Request - 0019544720661
expect (=DCD=)
S1: Received Information
S1: Received Alerting
S1: Received Connect - B1
=DCD=got it
Chat Succeeded - Starting PPP
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S1 of 14 bytes containing:
01 01 00 0e 05 06 40 b4 c3 b8 07 02 08 02
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S1 of 4 bytes containing:
01 0b 00 08 01 04 06 40
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S1 of 8 bytes containing:
02 0b 00 08 01 04 06 40
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S1 of 14 bytes containing:
01 02 00 0e 05 06 40 b4 c3 b8 07 02 08 02
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT on port S1 of 10 bytes containing:
04 02 00 0e 05 06 40 b4 c3 b8 07 02 08 02
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S1 of 4 bytes containing:
01 03 00 04
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S1 of 0 bytes containing:
02 03 00 04
S1: LCP Open
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S1 of 16 bytes containing:
01 01 00 10 02 06 00 2d 0f 00 03 06 c8 00 d0 cb

**** several times the same message ****

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S1 of 16 bytes containing:
01 14 00 10 02 06 00 2d 0f 00 03 06 c8 00 d0 cb

Connection Failed
S1: Sending Disconnect Request
S1: Received Disconnect Ack
S1: Received Call Clear

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.



Mario J. Dominguez (Cybermario) | InterServer Inc. (USA)
Open Solutions S.A. | 10619 W.Atlantic Blvd. #310
InterServer S.A. | Coral Spring, FL 33351
Buenos Aires - Argentina | 954-472-0661
e-mail: mariojd@isol.net | http://www.isol.net
Voice:54-1-345-0600 Fax:54-1-342-5734|