STAC compression (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 23:10:48 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Thomas, Philip shaped the electrons to say...
>Does livingston plan to support STAC compression in the near future?

STAC-LZS will be supported on the OR-ISDN and the PM-3 units - and not
on any of the other units. The OR will be a software upgrade, the PM-3
will be a daughter card.

I'm running it right now, dialed in from my OR at home to the test unit
at the office.

(Why not PM-2 units - not enough CPU to do it in software like an OR
and no daughter card slot like the PM-3. Sorry.)

We've discussed the possibility of doing it on OR-LS/HS units if there
is enough demand. But since we have to pay STAC a license fee, which
isn't negligible, for each enabled unit we ship we're not just tossing it
in. To date we've only seen luke warm interest, no real demand. Just
so you know what's up.

I'm not sure if the PM-3 will support it on WAN link PPP connections et
al... If there is interest I can check.


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