OR-ST / Motorola BitSURF PRO

Mario J. Dominguez (mariojd@isol.net)
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 20:28:58 GMT


We are trying to connect a OR-ST in dial-out with our ISP that
use a Motorola BitSURF PRO in a Windows NT Server 4.0 RAS.
Both the OR-ST and the Motorola get de CONNECTED message but
the OR-ST can validate the user and hung-up. We are using PPP and
one B channel of 64K, no multilink.
Did anybody have the same problem ?
Any posible idea ?


Mario J. Dominguez (Cybermario) | InterServer Inc. (USA)
Open Solutions S.A. | 10619 W.Atlantic Blvd. #310
InterServer S.A. | Coral Spring, FL 33351
Buenos Aires - Argentina | 954-472-0661
e-mail: mariojd@isol.net | http://www.isol.net
Voice:54-1-345-0600 Fax:54-1-342-5734|