PM3 - 8 modem card vs 10 modem card (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 14:16:55 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Zak Wolfinger shaped the electrons to say...
>If I can only get 24 incoming lines per channelized T1, what is the benefit
>of having say 4) 10 modem cards and 1) 8 modem card over having just 6) 8
>modem cards? Is there a way to get more incoming lines on channelized T1 or
>PRI that I am not aware of?

No way for more lines, but it leaves a slot open. We're looking at other
types of cards for the PM-3 chassis, like a WAN card, etc. Having the slot
open just leaves opportunity - just in case.


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